Manousos has that much-coveted ability to make songs that are being heard for the first time seem like they’ve been kicking around in your car since the cassette era.” - Brian F. Johnson

— Marquee Magazine

Paul Manousos


Press photos

Photo By Maurice Ramirez

photo by Maurice Ramirez


With the seeming nonchalance of one who has nothing but time on his side, Paul Manousos has walked a quiet line for much of his career, one that some might say has left him a shadow figure on the current musical map, particularly on his home turf; the San Francisco Bay Area. But lack of hyperbole aside, Paul's musical talents are rich and well-tested. From coast to coast, here and abroad, in darkened dens and smoke-ringed dives, through gilded former movie palaces  and the slightly less ornate living rooms of friends and fans Paul has shown that above all, his voice is the main game. 

But don't make the mistake of thinking that it is only the voice. Paul is also an accomplished crafter of songs that consistently strike gold with his listeners. He makes certain when he lets it all go, he lets it go with something to say. His are songs that will touch your heart, soothe your soul, feed your head and feel totally great when you sing them to yourself in the shower. 

